
Things I learned today...

1. In the Constitution, it's "unalienable," not "inalienable," when talking about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

2. A package of Twizlers Nibs is not a part of a balanced breakfast.

3. Calling your coworker a "grumpy old man" at 8:30 in the morning is a bad idea. (He gives me crap about being young, so we're even. . . usually.)

4. Target doesn't sell the cool windowshades that I have in my car anymore.

5. A 19-year-old boy knows a lot more about suffering than I do, yet he has a better attitude about it.

6. My knee still hates me.

7. Tomatoes are actually pretty good in sandwiches and such(don't tell my mom about that one).

1 comment:

Ali B. said...

Can I refute the twizzler comment. Total fab for breakfast, or any other meal!