1. I have kissed a grand total of 2 boys.
2. I (along with my sister) take after my dad's side of the family. However, I have been declared the spitting image of great grandmothers on both sides.
3. I am quite often happier alone than with large groups of people, but too much alone time makes me depressed.
4. When I was in high school, I thought Harrison

5. My best friend still likes to tell the story of how sometime during my sophomore year of college, I became a girl.
6. I give off a very shy, quiet first impression. Good friends know the trick is to get me to shut up.
7. My faith grounds me and gives me purpose, even when I only have the "desire to believe."
8. Starting even as young as junior high, I have always identified more with adults than my peers.
9. I have been fired. I do not recommend the experience to anyone.
10. I dislike tomatoes and avacadoes plain, but I love salsa and guacamole.
11. I adamantly deny I am a runner, despite that 13.1 mile insanity last month.
12. Though I know my own self worth, I can be very insecure.
14. I write short stories in response to large amounts of emotion, good or bad.
15. I can't say no.
16. I genuinely try to be nice to everyone.
17. I am a perfectionist who also knows when to let go.
18. Calling people on the phone makes me nervous.
19. I have very few regrets.
20. The "Bolero" from Moulin Rouge! is probably my favorite song ever (and that's saying a lot, because I really like music).
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