
It's all the blacksmith's fault

So I was talking to my aunt the other day. I was telling her about my friend who's getting married next month. My aunt said, "It's your turn next. That Prince Charming has just been delayed until now." I joked back, "His horse has thrown a shoe, I'm sure." We both laughed.
Last night I got to hear Tricia's doorstep scene from yet another date (no, nothing sketchy or mushy...just the normal, awkward "We're at your door; now what do I do?" end to an otherwise pleasant evening). It made me wonder. Why is it that some girls have to beat the guys off with a stick, and others can go years without a date to their name? While I let you all ponder on that, I'm off to find a good blacksmith. I hear his horseshoing capabilities are needed.

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