
I was sitting, waiting, wishing

Dear Computer Geek,
So remember how I was completely over this stupid crush? Remember how Flirt told me I still had a chance and I stupidly believed her? Remember how I don't want to become another e-mail brakeup to you? If you don't, you should. Because this stupid crush isn't going away and you're certainly not helping the situation. Here is my suggestion: Please just man up and acutally ask me out. Paying for things once we're already out only partially counts (it will win you a few points, but it also makes me feel awkward).
At the moment I feel very much like Mr. Darcy, in that I like you against my better judgement. My head knows what you are, but my heart doesn't care. Please rectify this situation at your earliest convinence. Thank you.

P.S. Swing dancing the other night really was fabulous. And yes, I do trust you to dip me. We should go again.

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