Sigh. Today was going fairly well. Flirt still isn't talking to me (not that I'm terribly broken up about it; more just annoyed). Church was good--very uplifting. Then Computer Geek and his roommate ask me to invite their other roommate, Comic Geek, to some party tonight. Neither one of them was going, but they want Comic Geek to get out. Understandably. Comic Geek is 32 and wants to make a living out of drawing comic books. He also doesn't get out much or have many real-live friends.
There are two problems with this: I still haven't actually been invited to this party (Flirt and her friends are throwing it, and since she's not talking to me, that makes it hard for her to invite me to anything) and Comic Geek has a small crush on me. The second was suspected but not confirmed until today, when the roommate wouldn't give me a straight answer about why he wasn't going to this party. It seems that he and Computer Geek decided that since they weren't going, I was the person most likely to get Comic Geek to come when asked. I had to literally chase the roommate down (after he let the crush part slip) to make sure this wasn't just some corny set up (it's not, but it's dangerously close).
Why is his having a crush on me a problem? Well, besides the fact that I'm not even supposed to know about it (though really boys...I'm not THAT dense), it's that I'm not reallly interested back.
Yes, I realize I'm blowing this way out of proportion and asking him to some party is not going to do anything, but I can't help it. My mind immediately starts thinking of how if a boy I liked asked me if I were going to a party, I would certainly be there simply to see him. Do boys work that way too? I sure hope not, becuase I already promised I would ask the guy.
This may also explain why Computer Geek has been such a retard this week. Or he was never interested in more than friends and I've been kidding myself this whole time.
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