
Why I hate living with girls

So Flirt has programatically ignored me all week. At home I may get a one-word response, but in public she wouldn't really even meet my eye. Assuming this stemmed from our heated exchange last week, I finally decided to do something about it. I present the conversation verbatim.

me: are you mad at me?
Flirt: nope
me: then why won't you talk to me at stuff?
Flirt: cause I'm a brat like that
me: i told you i was sorry about that
Flirt: about what?
me: calling you a brat
Flirt: oh...see, I don't even remember that
I'm assuming it was at Computer Geek's house or somethng
me: it was
Flirt: yah, no worries
me: k

Guys, beware. I have no idea what you see in us. But could one of you please marry me to get me out of this madness?

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