
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Sometimes I think I expect too much. Like when my mom tells me that I shouldn't necessarily be looking for just "cute." I occasionally have to remind myself of President Hinckley's words when he said that we need to stop looking for perfection in a future spouse.

But I want to know: is it too much to expect a man? Not a boy, not a dude or a guy...a MAN. Because I'm beginning to think they don't exist. For example:
There's the "couple" in my ward that has been quasi-dating for the past month or so. He pays for stuff, they spend a lot of time together, but he has yet to really do anything about it. Even the girl isn't sure if they're a couple.
There's the guy who I liked (Computer Geek) who liked my roommate (Flirt). They went on several date-like activities, but he never officially asked her on a date. When she finally got fed up of being confused, he sent her an email (ugh...seriously, how impersonal can you get?) saying that he was glad for the opportunity to get to know her better, but that they would never work out as a couple.

So tonight my question is, am I asking too much? Are men a dying breed? Should I just settle for the next schmo who can at least buy me lots of pretty things? Am I the only one who lies awake at night pondering these things?

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