
I'm such a girl sometimes

You know how they say bad things come in threes? Number two was pretty good...

So I'm driving on the freeway Monday night after picking a friend up at the airport. The car kinda starts to wobble, but I thought it was just the road we were on. I slow down, but that didn't help much. My friend asked if I could smell something burning and suggested the brakes, which it wasn't. After another minute, I decided something was wrong, but still no idea what it was. So I thought I'd just check it out once I got to my friend's house. Which was my plan...

...until I looked in the rearview mirror and saw smoke and a disturbing orange-ish glow.

So yeah, I pulled over. Better late than never, right?

I called AAA, they came out and put the donut on, and I continued on my merry way. Slowly. Two days later, a brand-new tire is on (that I didn't have to pay for because the first was still under warranty), and life is back to normal. Well, as normal as my life ever gets.

I just hope number three comes quickly so I can get it over with.

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