She was right.
I was dripping at the end of it. The people behind me in the next line made some snide comment, so I responded and we chatted a little. When I turned around, my dry friend told me that some mother had passed us, pointed at me, and said, "See that lady? That's why you can't go on Splash Mountain," to her kids.
So I have found my true calling in life: being an example of what not to do at theme parks.
I had some friends at the Didney Land last weekend too. One was blond, did you see her?
Well, that narrows it down to 1/3 of the people there, so I'm sure I did. The other thirds were Hispanic and goth teenagers. Did I see any of your other friends too then?
Interesting side note, there were a ridiculous number of people wearing BYU paraphernalia. Go Cougars!
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