This was the first maze I had been to with living corn. And because it was living (and probably because it was a ridiculously small and simple maze), they wouldn't let you cut through. Anywhere someone had tried, they had put up signs saying "Farmer Kenny is sad because someone couldn't stay on the path." Farmer Kenny was sad a lot.
The pumpkins themselves were pretty picked over. There were some really cool bright orange ones that would have been awesome in a black light, but they were all mushy so we didn't get any of those. We did find lots of others that we liked.
Then off to carve! I hate the scooping out part, but the carving itself is detail-oriented enough that I like it. Here's the results:
Mine is the tall skinny one. It's my tribute to Twilight. (The guy has a pointy vampire tooth, in case that's not clear in the photo. My friends were teasing me about my x-rated pumpkin.)
So now that I've carved a pumpkin, I'm officially over Halloween and ready to move on to Thanksgiving. Who's with me?