If anything, her wedding has given me hope for mankind. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of songs about how all men are scum. Not one of them worth dating. I must admid that I often find myself on this side of the line. But do not be deceived. Really great guys do exist. And I know there's more than one.
For example, there was the guy sitting across the isle from me on the plane. His seatmate was an elderly woman who was making a connection to Portland. He flagged down the flight attendant and said, "This young lady needs to get to her plane to Portland. Do you know where she needs to go?" He then offered to carry her bags when we landed. I thought it was adorable (he wasn't bad looking either, but that's beside the point). The best part was the genuine care in his actions.
A few days later, I found another one. I was out with my friend Mike at Spiderman 3. We were walking back to the car (once I pointed him in the right direction). There was a man begging on the street corner. I did what I always do in those situations--my shoes suddenly became very facinating. Mike, not missing a beat of our conversation about how I can't really call myself a nerd because I've only seen the extended Return of the King once, pulls out his wallet and hands the guy a few dollars. And we just kept walking. I know he wasn't doing it to impress me, but I was impressed nonetheless.
So while "a girl tryin' to find a perfect man" may be a hopeless cause, there are plenty of not perfect guys who are well worth the search.
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