Do you ever wonder what your life would have been like if you had made a different choice? This has been a recurring idea in my life the past few weeks, and I'm starting to wonder why. Ali and I were talking about it tonight. It also popped up when I listened to the new Michael Buble CD. For some reason, the second song took me back to a time in college when I liked two boys at once. Of course, I liked one of them more than the other, but he wasn't quite as agressive as the second one. I distinctly remember one night when our ward was having a dance. I elected to stay home, thinking that the first guy would stay home too, and I could take him cookies or something (I was very young :) ). But as it turned out, the first guy went to the dance, and the second guy came over instead. I beat him at Trivial Pursuit and we ended up cuddling on the couch. Now, I'm not saying I would have ended up with the first guy (I know for a fact that he wanted me to date his best friend (who lived in St. George...like that was gonna happen)). However, I really wonder if I would have dated the second guy if that night hadn't happened.
I do not regret my decision. I learned a lot from that relationship (specifically, a lot of what I don't want). I remember that summer as one of the best times of my life. But I also look back and think, "What were you thinking, self? He was a loser and you knew it!"
Now I'm sitting here at 1 a.m. trying to think of a noncorny way to end this post without it rambling on for another paragraph or two. I suppose this will have to do:
*Basically, I have been reminded several times in the past few weeks that small choices have big consequences. This weirds me out. That's all.
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