
These boots are made for walkin'

It's been one of those weeks again. And yes, it's only Tuesday. The big project at work that has caused most of my stress this year now has a deadline of August 29. So if I snap at you in the next few weeks, it's nothing personal.

This isn't helping either:

On Sunday morning, my foot started hurting, like a joint needed to pop but couldn't. A lot like what happened to my other foot last year. Except this time I'm not training for a half marathon. I didn't drop anything on it or hit it or injure it in any way that I can remember. It just hurts.

My coworkers (the two that act like my "work parents") convinced me that I should go have it checked out. The doctor looked at it, said there was a little swelling, and prescribed an anti-inflammatory and a post-surgical boot. Unfortunately, the boot helps, so I think I'm stuck with it for the next week.

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