

That's what I wanted my vanity plate to be. Totally fitting, right? Tragically, it was already taken, so I had to settle for a normal plate like most people. *sigh*.
I have decided that this cruel denial should have applied to a few other people. Like the car in front of me today. It said "I(heart)MYGLF" Aw, how sweet. If you're like...12. Not in your late 60s. Which the driver totally was. I just hope the GLF in question was at least moderately close to his age. (Side note: as I write this, I realize that perhaps GLF stands for golf, not girlfriend. I like my first interpretation better.)
This is, however, not my favorite license plate ever. That honor belongs to a Buick Lesaber I saw in Utah. It said "10COWMAN." I saw it several times, and it made me laugh every time.

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