10:45 -- Arrive at beach. Set up chair, get comfy. Return coworker's "All clear" flashlight signal.
10:50 -- Decide that the moon definitely makes tonight better than last night.
10:52 -- Get up to wander the beach. Discover lots of trash, a seal carcass, and some cool shells. Feel slightly guilty for looking at shells rather than the waves. Redirect flashlight and walk back to chair.
11:00 -- Wonder what all the fuss is out on the boats. Their lights are flashing every which way. Suspect I hear gunshots, but attribute that to general creepiness of being alone on the beach at 11:00 p.m.
11:03 -- Get up again. More shells.
11:07 -- Decide I should use this time productively. Wish I knew someone still up to call. Contemplate composing a short story.
11:08 -- No story ideas. Mind returns to wandering aimlessly.
11:15 -- Resist temptation to check the time by getting up again.
11:21 -- Decide fingers are cold enough to dig out the gloves I brought.
11:23 -- Warm fingers are good.
11:30 -- Get out phone to record ocean sounds. Discover that more time has passed than expected.
11:37 -- Wander the beach again, this time to warm up. The extra layers are helping, however. (I had on two pairs of pants, three shirts/jackets, and gloves. It gets
cold out there with no bonfire!)
11:45 -- Renew story-writing efforts. Takes even less time to give up.
11:53 -- Get out camera to take pictures of nothing. I have to have
something to show for this madness.

11:54 -- Flash disturbs coworker. Sheepishly return the all clear.
11:56 -- Check time again. Wish it were later.
12:04 -- Wonder about the boats again. The lights are totally messing with my night vision.
12:10 -- Coworker calls. He hasn't seen anything either. We decide to give it 15 more minutes.
12:13 -- Get up to wander the beach again; part to stay warm, part to resist checking phone every 30 seconds for time.
12:26 -- Coworker begins walking towards the sidewalk. Begin collecting everything. This is no easy task.
12:30 -- Return to car, which has thankfully not been towed or ticketed. Crank up music to stay awake while driving home.
1:00 -- Discover that I am now fully awake. Begin plucking eyebrows to put off going to bed.
1:30 -- Eyelids rebel and finally close for the night.
Not a bad adventure for 4 hours of overtime.