
Hey, Honey! What's the Latest Buzz?

About a month ago, I heard a strange buzzing noise at work. I was in the office by myself that morning, so there was no one else to notice. There were some grounds crew guys using leaf blowers, so I assumed that's what I heard and wrote it off.

But the next day, it was back. Louder. And the next day. It wasn't a constant buzzing noise; just every once in a while. Enough to break my concentration and really annoy me. After about two weeks of that, I couldn't handle it any more. I felt a little silly complaining to the receptionist to have her complain to the powers that be about something so simple as an annoying buzzing, but it was loud enough that I could hear it above the music coming through my headphones. Too loud. My office mate has been watching all the seasons of Lost, so her theory was that it was the Others coming to get us. I had thought it was a little lost bee, but bees don't live that long.

Turns out I was sort of right. The next time the noise happened, I climbed up on the desk and payed attention. When the noise ended, something long, black, and yellow crawled out of a space in the corner where the window frame and wall meet. I emailed the receptionist again, this time telling her what was making the noise. She said they were going to send someone out to spray for the nasty critters.

Trouble is, they didn't go away. We could still hear them, building their nest, throwing wild rave parties... it got old. Friday, at the risk of becoming annoying myself for always complaining, I asked one more time if we could have someone come out. I even volunteered to show them where the bugs were getting in. Turns out they had sprayed, but they didn't have the right stuff to plug the hole, so the bugs got back in. So this time, they sprayed and filled the hole properly.

If I hear buzzing on Monday, I'm tearing open the wall myself. It will not be pretty.

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