I have a good job. Yes, it stressed me out a lot last year, but I like the work and the people. Oh, and a paycheck is always nice.
I have a place to live. My house, though a little chilly at night right now, is perfect for me. It also happens to be in southern California, which means I get to enjoy beautiful weather, the beach, and Disneyland.
I have a car. I managed to replace both sets of brakes, some steering column part, and a tire this year, but most of the time it works quite well.
I have a healthy body. I didn't take advantage of that as much as I should have last year, and intend to be better about that this year. (No, this is not an "I'm going to lose 10 pounds" resolution; it's an "I'm going to take better care of myself" resolution.)
I have a phone. Even though I was only without a phone for about 12 hours, I really missed that connection to my friends and family. If I couldn't talk to my family on a regular basis, I don't think I could handle being so far away.
I have money. Not in the sense that I'm loaded, but that I can afford to buy food and pay rent, with enough left over for things like trips to Washington DC and cameras.
I have good friends. They keep me sane. They make me laugh. They make me want to be a better person.
I have a loving family. My parents are incredibly supportive (even when I do crazy things like move to California). And my siblings are all amazing.
Most of all, I have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know He lives; I know He loves me. That makes everything worth it.
Really INVU so much.....Let go, Let god.....
Are new years great :D except I think traveling needs to be a part of this year too :D we should take a trip together this year.
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