
My thoughts are scattered and they're cloudy

These should probably be separate posts, but I'm feeling too lazy to do that. So instead you get bits and pieces of what's been bouncing around my brain recently.

* After church on Sunday, everyone was gathering in the chapel to break our fast before eating. I was handing in my tithing to the first counselor in the bishopric when he said, "Are you dating anyone?" I said no, but that I had been on a date this year, which was better than last year. So he and the second counselor decided that they would help me out. One offered to get up at the microphone to let everyone know how wonderful I was (I vetoed that one). So instead he had me sit next to him and asked if I was interested in anyone. Feeling a little weird about checking out guys with a member of the bishopric, I said no (but really, there isn't anyone. I looked). He said that was okay, I could just sit up on the stand so they could check me out. He later introduced me to a new guy in the ward and congratulated me on sitting with boys while eating. I've been set up by grandparents before, but having the bishopric trying to find me a date was a new experience.

* Saturday I went for a great run out along the bluffs. The sun finally broke through the clouds, and it was a 70-degree paradise. Seriously, I live in one of the greatest places ever. But my favorite was the little kid I heard telling his sister not to touch anything because it was all "poison oak" and "poison ivy."

* I finally convinced my friends that I'm human by having an emotional breakdown and yelling at them. Glad we got that detail cleared up.

* Tonight as I was out running errands, I noticed a bug attempting to escape my car through the windshield. I rolled down the window and tried to shoo it out. The bug was not deterred; he simply moved to the other side of the windshield. So I opened the window on that side. Finally I had every possible window open, but the bug wouldn't have any of it. He could see out the windshield; therefore, that should be his exit. And then I accidentally got too close and squished him. Sometimes I think I'm like the bug--I can see what I want, and I'm going to beat myself against any barrier in my way until I get it. But if I would only step back, I would see the many other, better opportunities waiting for me. And I should take them before I get squished.

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